Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2022, pysat development team
# Full license can be found in
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"""Routines to align and work with pairs of modelled and observational data."""

import numpy as np

import pysat
import verify  # PyForecastTools

import pysatModels as ps_mod

[docs] def compare_model_and_inst(pairs, inst_name, mod_name, methods=['all'], unit_label='units'): """Compare modelled and measured data. Parameters ---------- pairs : xarray.Dataset Dataset containing only the desired observation-model data pairs inst_name : list Ordered list of strings indicating whicch instrument measurements to compare to modelled data mod_name : list Ordered list of strings indicating which modelled data to compare to instrument measurements methods : list Statistics to calculate. See Notes for accecpted inputs. (default=['all']) unit_label : str Unit attribute for data in `pairs` (default='units') Returns ------- stat_dict : dict Dict of dicts where the first layer of keys denotes the instrument data name and the second layer provides the desired statistics data_units : dict Dict containing the units for the data Raises ------ ValueError If input parameters are improperly formatted See Also -------- PyForecastTools Notes ----- Statistics are calculated using PyForecastTools (imported as verify). 1. all: all statistics 2. all_bias: bias, meanPercentageError, medianLogAccuracy, symmetricSignedBias 3. accuracy: returns dict with mean squared error, root mean squared error, mean absolute error, and median absolute error 4. scaledAccuracy: returns dict with normaled root mean squared error, mean absolute scaled error, mean absolute percentage error, median absolute percentage error, median symmetric accuracy 5. bias: scale-dependent bias as measured by the mean error 6. meanPercentageError: mean percentage error 7. medianLogAccuracy: median of the log accuracy ratio 8. symmetricSignedBias: Symmetric signed bias, as a percentage 9. meanSquaredError: mean squared error 10. RMSE: root mean squared error 11. meanAbsError: mean absolute error 12. medAbsError: median absolute error 13. nRMSE: normaized root mean squared error 14. scaledError: scaled error (see PyForecastTools for references) 15. MASE: mean absolute scaled error 16. forecastError: forecast error (see PyForecastTools for references) 17. percError: percentage error 18. absPercError: absolute percentage error 19. logAccuracy: log accuracy ratio 20. medSymAccuracy: Scaled measure of accuracy 21. meanAPE: mean absolute percentage error 22. medAPE: median absolute perceentage error """ method_rout = {"bias": verify.bias, "accuracy": verify.accuracy, "meanPercentageError": verify.meanPercentageError, "medianLogAccuracy": verify.medianLogAccuracy, "symmetricSignedBias": verify.symmetricSignedBias, "meanSquaredError": verify.meanSquaredError, "RMSE": verify.RMSE, "meanAbsError": verify.meanAbsError, "medAbsError": verify.medAbsError, "MASE": verify.MASE, "scaledAccuracy": verify.scaledAccuracy, "nRMSE": verify.nRMSE, "scaledError": verify.scaledError, "forecastError": verify.forecastError, "percError": verify.percError, "meanAPE": verify.meanAPE, "absPercError": verify.absPercError, "logAccuracy": verify.logAccuracy, "medSymAccuracy": verify.medSymAccuracy} replace_keys = {'MSE': 'meanSquaredError', 'MAE': 'meanAbsError', 'MdAE': 'medAbsError', 'MAPE': 'meanAPE', 'MdAPE': 'medAPE', 'MdSymAcc': 'medSymAccuracy'} # Grouped methods for things that don't have convenience functions grouped_methods = {"all_bias": ["bias", "meanPercentageError", "medianLogAccuracy", "symmetricSignedBias"], "all": list(method_rout.keys())} # Ensure the list inputs are lists inst_name = pysat.utils.listify(inst_name) mod_name = pysat.utils.listify(mod_name) methods = pysat.utils.listify(methods) # Replace any group method keys with the grouped methods for gg in [(i, mm) for i, mm in enumerate(methods) if mm in list(grouped_methods.keys())]: # Extend the methods list to include all the grouped methods methods.extend(grouped_methods[gg[1]]) # Remove the grouped method key methods.pop(gg[0]) # Ensure there are no duplicate methods methods = list(set(methods)) # Test the input if pairs is None: raise ValueError('must provide Dataset of paired observations') if len(inst_name) != len(mod_name): raise ValueError(''.join(['must provide equal number of instrument ', 'and model data names for comparison'])) if not np.all([iname in pairs.data_vars.keys() for iname in inst_name]): if not np.any([iname in pairs.data_vars.keys() for iname in inst_name]): raise ValueError('unknown instrument data value supplied') # Remove the missing instrument/model data variable names bad_ind = list() for i, iname in enumerate(inst_name): if iname not in pairs.data_vars.keys(): bad_ind.append(i) ps_mod.logger.warning( 'removed {:d} of the provided instrument variable names'.format( len(inst_name) - len(bad_ind))) for i in bad_ind: inst_name.pop(i) mod_name.pop(i) if not np.all([iname in pairs.data_vars.keys() for iname in mod_name]): if not np.any([iname in pairs.data_vars.keys() for iname in mod_name]): raise ValueError('unknown model data value supplied') # Remove the missing instrument/model data variable names bad_ind = list() for i, iname in enumerate(mod_name): if iname not in pairs.data_vars.keys(): bad_ind.append(i) ps_mod.logger.warning( 'removed {:d} of the provided model variable names'.format( len(mod_name) - len(bad_ind))) for i in bad_ind: inst_name.pop(i) mod_name.pop(i) if not np.all([mm in list(method_rout.keys()) for mm in methods]): known_methods = list(method_rout.keys()) known_methods.extend(list(grouped_methods.keys())) unknown_methods = [mm for mm in methods if mm not in list(method_rout.keys())] raise ValueError(''.join(['unknown statistical method(s) requested: ', '{:}\nuse only: '.format(unknown_methods), '{:}'.format(known_methods)])) # Initialize the output stat_dict = {iname: dict() for iname in inst_name} data_units = {iname: pairs.data_vars[iname].attrs[unit_label] for iname in inst_name} # Cycle through all of the data types for i, iname in enumerate(inst_name): # Determine whether the model data needs to be scaled iscale = pysat.utils.scale_units( pairs.data_vars[iname].attrs[unit_label], pairs.data_vars[mod_name[i]].attrs[unit_label]) mod_scaled = pairs.data_vars[mod_name[i]].values.flatten() * iscale # Flatten both data sets, since accuracy routines require 1D arrays inst_dat = pairs.data_vars[iname].values.flatten() # Ensure no NaN are used in statistics inum = np.where(np.isfinite(mod_scaled) & np.isfinite(inst_dat))[0] # Calculate all of the desired statistics for mm in methods: try: stat_dict[iname][mm] = method_rout[mm](mod_scaled[inum], inst_dat[inum]) # Convenience functions add layers to the output, remove # these layers if hasattr(stat_dict[iname][mm], "keys"): for nn in stat_dict[iname][mm].keys(): new = replace_keys[nn] if nn in replace_keys.keys() \ else nn stat_dict[iname][new] = stat_dict[iname][mm][nn] del stat_dict[iname][mm] except (ValueError, NotImplementedError, ZeroDivisionError) as err: # Not all data types can use all statistics. Inform the user # instead of stopping processing. Only valid statistics will # be included in output. # New version of pyForecastTools doesn't trigger this, using # Inf or masked output instead"{:s} can't use {:s}: {:}".format(iname, mm, err)) return stat_dict, data_units